Jacob Sutter

About Me

portrait I am a software developer and musician from Reynoldsville, PA. I have a B.S. in Computer Science and Music from Allegheny College and I am currently employed as a developer for CEI in Pittsburgh, PA. I have a broad range of experience in software and web development.

As a consultant at CEI, I have gained valuable experience in all areas of software development and have been exposed to a broad array of tools and technologies. I have also had the opportunity to put my communication and leadership skills into practice in meetings with colleagues and clients. Being a consultant has taught me how to adapt to changing technologies and situations and given me an appreciation for continuing education and learning.

While at CEI, I have participated in a variety of projects. Some of these include:

  • Virtual Reality Job Training in Unity
    • Modeled and designed the game environment
    • Developed game mechanics and progress tracking
    • Fine-tuned VR interactions with play testing
  • Web Testing Automation with Cypress.io
    • Developed an automated website testing framework
    • Tested UI elements, user interactions, forms, and back end integration
  • Azure DevOps Pipelines Migrations
    • Converted classic pipelines into new, reusable YAML pipelines
    • Developed conditional templates to decrease setup time for future projects
  • Automated PDF Generation with TypeScript and .NET
    • Updated and created REST API endpoints for on-premises database access
    • Formatted and managed data for use on reports
    • Updated and created SQL queries to retrieve data
    • Developed a system of AWS Lambdas, S3 Buckets, and API Gateway endpoints to generate and save report HTML
    • Used Puppeteer to convert HTML into PDFs
    • Utilized D3 to generate charts and graphics for the reports
    • Designed and built an automated process with EventBridge and SQS to automatically generate reports
    • Updated a legacy .NET application to trigger report creation and display PDFs
  • ECG Review Application in React
    • Created a web application in React to facilitate ECG review
    • Processed and generated JSON payloads into SVGs for visual review
    • Simultaneously generated thousands of SVGs with parallelism and SkiaSharp
    • Updated the previously mentioned reporting system to include newly reviewed data
  • Administrative Permission Management Portal in React
    • Created a web portal in React with Next.js to enable admins to manage user permissions in Azure AD
    • Interfaced Azure AD and AWS Cognito with NextAuth for user login
    • Wrote GraphQL queries to add and remove users from groups and manage group owners

Outside of work, I am an active musician. I play with several different groups and occasionally DJ for events. My primary instrument is piano, but I am also trained in voice, percussion, and guitar. Beyond performance, I have experience with video and music production as well as composition. I am also an avid gamer and DIYer.

Personally, I am a hard working, dedicated, and driven person. I like to see projects to completion regardless of the challenges involved. I am passionate about my interests, work, and life in general. I am committed to whatever I do and am always willing to expand my knowledge when I encounter the unknown.